
Carpark Installation Bridge of Orchy

Innovative Carpark Installation for Forestry and Land Scotland. In an ambitious undertaking, our team has successfully completed a comprehensive carpark installation for Forestry and Land Scotland, spanning three distinct sites around the Bridge of Orchy and Tyndrum area. This project was not just about adding parking spaces; it was about creating a sustainable infrastructure that harmonises with the natural environment.…

Dogfalls bridge replacement Glen Affric.

In a remarkable feat of engineering, our team recently completed The Dogfalls bridge replacement project that pushed the boundaries of innovation and determination. Nestled in a challenging location, the project incorporated a prototype design tailored to the unique environmental constraints. Access to the site was limited, requiring meticulous planning and precision in every step of the construction process. The new bridge,…

Abutment strengthening River Nethy

A few years ago we were tasked with strengthening the abutments on a crucial bridge that spans the river Nethy in Nethybridge. This was a great project to be involved with and took considerable planning. The original concrete abutments had be damages over the years due to undercutting erosion from the fast flowing river. This work was essential to mitigate…

Spinningdale bridge replacements

During the Spring last year, the bridge team replaced two road bridges up in Spinningdale on the Dornoch Firth. The originals had be condemned for couple of years so replacement was crucial to allow access for the local foresters and game keepers. The ACT team love tackling small jobs like this, its very rewarding  to see such a huge improvement…

Mingary Bridge Isle of Mull

Autumn 2021 the bridge team was busy replacing the old bridge and upgrading the path network at Mingary on the Isle of Mull. The original bridge was built in the Victorian times and was to be replace with a new ATV aerial mast design. the whole site has been designated SSSI statues due to the fresh water pearl Mussels located…

Utsi’s Bridge

During the the Autumn and Winter of 2020 we took on our biggest bridge building contract to date, the replacement of Utsi's Bridge. Named after the charismatic Sami, Mikel Utsi, who was responsible for reintroducing the reindeer to Scotland, this bridge gives access over the Allt Mor river to the Chalamain Gap. The first incarnation was replaced in 1979 by…

Lendrick Hill Bridge

A throwback post,  Kendrick Hill Bridge redecking job we did a couple of summers ago. Our specialist qualified construction personnel have extensive experience building and installing a wide variety of structures, this was a particularly challenging but rewarding project. All work was completed within a couple of weeks and I think the pictures speak for themselves, Cracking job!

Strontian Bridge replacement

At the start of this year the Bridge team were busy replacing the old bridge at Ariundle Glen in Strontian. The old bridge had been condemned for the last three years due to the deterioration of the two main steel beams, the locals were very keen to get this access open again. A new Aerial mast bridge was to be…

Glen Creran Bridge

Towards the run up to Christmas last year the bridge team spent six weeks replacing the old foot bridge at Glen Creran on the west coast, the old bridge had been condemned for four years due to rotting timber. An aerial mast ATV bridge was to be installed on a new line to the right of the existing bridge, with…

Brig O Turk Boardwalk

Over the winter last year, the Bridge and Boardwalk team spent Twelve weeks upgrading and replacing the Brig O Turk boardwalk. This was an extensive job, with over Three hundred metres of Larch decking with Oak posts to be installed in an area split between three sites. The area is predominantly wetland and is a designated SSSI, We pride ourselves…

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